You will be asked to complete some paperwork to give the chiropractor an idea of your health concerns and your health history.
After a thorough conversation about these concerns, your chiropractor will create a file and document all the important information. Any new information can be added to this file, which will be a track record of all your care.
It is important for your chiropractor to obtain an appropriate history so they can undertake the most appropriate examination.
2. Examination
The chiropractor will explain what examinations and tests they will perform to determine the cause of your problem and the potential treatments available.
Only after you have agreed and understand fully the proposed examination process and procedures, and have provided your consent, will the chiropractor perform the necessary tests and record all their findings.
3. Diagnosis and Report of Findings
Once all appropriate and necessary testing is complete, the chiropractor will thoroughly explain their findings and give you their best diagnosis and clinical opinions.
Sometimes a referral to another health care provider is necessary.
The chiropractor will explain their recommended care, expected recovery time, your responsibilities for achieving the best results, and any other expectations or risks that may be related to the care.
4. Informed Consent
Only when you thoroughly understand the findings, diagnosis, benefits and possible risks, and once you have had an opportunity to ask any questions about the proposed course of treatment, will you have the opportunity to provide your informed consent to care.
As you proceed through your care, if there are any significant changes to your health, any new conditions or any unexpected interruptions to your care, your chiropractor will have another conversation with you to get your consent to continue with care based on these changes
5. SOAP Notes
Your chiropractor will create and save thorough notes that document your care. These are called “SOAP notes”, which track all your visits and your responses to care.
These notes are based on all your interactions with the doctor. It is important that you provide all health information to the doctor throughout your entire course of care so that the SOAP notes are accurate and complete.
A copy of this will be kept private and secure and, upon appropriate request, will be made available to you or any other appropriate health care provider or person when you provide your consent to share that information.
An adjustment is a highly skilled and precise movement usually applied by a hand to a joint of the body. Adjustments help alleviate pain and restore proper movement and mobility of the joint. Commonly, patients experience relief immediately after treatment. Some patients may experience a temporary discomfort or stiffness which is typically minor and short-lived.
Chiropractic is a process, not an event. Treatment for each person is determined based on your individual pain and mobility challenges. Some patients feel better after one treatment, but most require a structured treatment plan that gets to the root of the problem to resolve your issues.
Like medicine and dentistry, chiropractic is a self-regulating profession, and each provincial chiropractic regulatory body has the authority to grant a license to practice chiropractic. There are Chiropractic Acts in all 10 provinces and the Yukon Territory which establish a self-regulatory process which includes extensive testing for licensure.
In all provinces, licensure requirements include university studies followed by graduation from an accredited chiropractic institution, and passing national and provincial board examinations.