As part of membership, you are part of the NBCA chiropractic family.
Our Team.
The NBCA is comprised of the Board of Directors, the CEO, Member Services Coordinator, Registrar, and YOU!
Day-to-day operations are managed by the CEO and Member Services Coordinator and will be your main contacts.
Your first contact for:
*Website everything
*CE information
*First/Aid CPR updates
*Mentorship Program
* Social Media
*General Questions
Your first contact for:
* General information
* Registration Issues
*Public contact
* Government Contact
*National and inter-provincial contact.
National Representatives
Committee Chairs
President: Dr. Ryan Coster
Vice President: Dr. Max Pollack
Secretary: Dr. Kayla Mayberry
Treasurer: Dr. Dave Dunnett
Member-at-Large: Dr. John Neal
Member-at-Large: Dr. Majorie Duguay
Past President: Dr. Norm Skjonsberg
Public Representative: Vacant
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) Governor
Dr. Sarah Williams
Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA)
Dr. Matt Williams
Federation of Canadian Chiropractic Representative
Dr. Kelsey Nissen
Complaint Committee Chair
Dr. Max Pollack
Quality Assurance Committee Chair
External Affairs Committee Chair
Dr. Ryan Coster
Internal Affairs Committee Chair
Dr. John Neal